Daily English School 데잉스

데잉스 수업 진행 방식

Mr.D_ 2021. 2. 16. 01:08

하루의 수업은 아래와 같이 진행됩니다 😊

1. Sentence Construction(일일 첨삭):

어제 했던 수업 기준으로 선생님께서 수업 진행동안 잘못된 문법 혹은 문장 오류를 수정하여 피드백 드립니다.

2. Pronunciation(발음 교정):

어제 수업 중 정확한 발음을 하지 못한 단어들을 다시한번 연습하는 시간을 가집니다.

3. BUILD LEXICON(어휘 연습 및 문장 연습):

새로운 단어와 표현을 배우며 새로운 문장 만들기 연습을 합니다.

4. DISCOVER IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS(숙어 연습 및 숙어를 통한 문장 연습):

새로운 숙어(Idiom)을 통해 새로운 표현을 배우며 새로운 문장 만들기 연습을 진행 합니다.

5. Read Article(영어 기사):

트렌디한 기사들을 선별하여 블로그에 매니저 선생님이 매번 피드 합니다.
새로운 영어 기사를 한번 쭉 읽고, 요약한 뒤 선생님이 미리 만들어둔 질문지를 통해 서로 기사를 느낀바를 토론 합니다.

(주의) 수업진행시에 인트로에 안부 대화나 스몰톡이 길어지면 위 수업 과정을 정시에 끝내지 못하는 날도 있을 수 있지만 선생님들 또한 하루 수업에 위 과정을 끝내고자 노력합니다.


수업이 끝나면 아래와 같이 담당 선생님께로 부터 작성된 첨삭 메시지를 받게 됩니다.

Topic: EU Approves Sales Of Artificial Heart


EU Approves Sales Of Artificial Heart

Artificial heart maker Carmat will begin sales of its devices from the second quarter of this year after a long-awaited European Commission approval.


Sentence Construction:

X When you change the heart, part of the machine you have to check the biventricular beat. >> When you transplant the artificial heart, you check the biventricular beat.
X When you sick a lot of time finally when you go to hospital too late if you find cancer, normally you are end-stage. >> When you have cancer and you go to the hospital too late, you will be at the end-stage.
X It is explained the artificial it can depend of the real heart when we have a heart disease from the real heart. >> It explains that the real heart can rely on the artificial heart during its failure.
X It can possible and it work well even change the human heart from the devices. >> It’s possible and it works well even if it’s transplanted.
X Necessary our body of part. >> This is the most vital of all body parts.
X Emotionally when I was child heart is when we make a good relationship. >> Emotionally, when I was a child I thought “heart” is for when you make good relationship.
X I think I have to protect heart disease. >> I think I should protect myself from this disease.
X It can remove from the blood so when the heart pump blood it can pump well. >> It can remove toxins from the blood so when the heart pumps blood it will be easier.
X When we got a stress or angry, our heart beat is too frequently to beating. >> When we get too worked up, our heart beats faster.
X It have to take a rest. >> We have to rest.


* adequate /ad-i-kwit/
* biventricular /bahy-vuhn-truh-kyoo-laar/
* heart /haart/
* renal /ri-nl/
* failure /feyl-yoor/
* alternative /awl-tur-nuh-tiv/
* world /wurld/
* decades /dek-eyd/
* hope /hoHp/
* approval /uh-proo-vuhl/
* attached /uh-tacht/


* adequate := enough in quantity, or good enough in quality, for a particular purpose or need.
Example: They'll need an adequate supply of hot water.
* biventricular := relating to, or affecting both ventricles [=one of two sections of the heart that pump blood out to the body] of the heart.
Example: The device aims to give patients with end-stage biventricular heart failure an alternative to hospital stays.


* end-stage := used to refer to the final stage of a disease, just before death.
Example: She is currently based at Great Ormond Street Hospital

where she is caring for children with end-stage renal disease.
* long-awaited := having been expected for a long time.
Example: Last week the commission published its long-awaited report on the problem of teenage pregnancies.

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