Weekly English Article

November 1-5, 2021 [First Week's Articles]

Ms.D 2021. 11. 1. 15:14

1. Coastal flooding may continue in DC metro area as 12 million people remain under alerts https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/31/weather/dc-region-coastal-flooding-sunday/index.html 


Coastal flooding may continue in DC metro area as 12 million people remain under alerts

Communities in the Washington, DC, metro area are still at risk for coastal flooding Sunday as forecasters say about 12 million people remain under flood warnings and advisories.


2. Missing hiker ignored calls from rescuers because it was an unknown number


Missing hiker ignored calls from rescuers because it was an unknown number

A Colorado rescue team has some simple advice for lost hikers or anyone else who might find themselves stranded in the mountains -- answer your phone.



3. 13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful

4. Why Inspiration Matters


Why Inspiration Matters

“When your Daemon is in charge, do not try to think consciously. Drift, wait, and obey.” — Rudyard Kipling In a culture obsessed with measuring talent and ability, we often overlook the important role of inspiration. Inspiration awakens us to new pos


5. What's missing in leadership is what's missing in ourselves


What's missing in leadership is what's missing in ourselves

When I was a young manager, one of my favorite team members came to me to resign. She'd had some personal circumstances that necessitated a move and change of jobs.









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