Weekly English Article

October 17-21, 2022 [Third Week's Articles]

Mr.D_ 2022. 10. 17. 13:01

1. Valley View Camping Ground

Intermediate Reading Comprehension Exercise

Find an intermediate level reading comprehension exercise that focuses on the tourism industry, in particular on vocabulary related to accommodations.


2. Study: Vaping Still an Issue in US Schools

Study: Vaping Still an Issue in US Schools | Engoo Daily News

A US government study on teen vaping suggests that there has been little progress in keeping e-cigarettes out of the hands of young people.


3. The return of Aztec floating farms

The return of Aztec floating farms

In Mexico City, a 700-year-old Aztec farming technique is giving a sustainable edge to modern agriculture.


4. Eating late at night might be making us sick

Eating late at night might be making us sick

English News Lessons: Free 27-Page lesson plan / 2-page mini-lesson - Late-night Eating - Handouts, online activities, speed reading, dictation, mp3... current events.


5. Opinion: Inside the prison where sunlight ceases to exist

Opinion: Inside the prison where sunlight ceases to exist | CNN

Editor’s Note: Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza is a Rwandan politician, former political prisoner and the founder and chair of the unregistered Development and Liberty for All (DALFA-Umurinzi) Party. The opinions expressed in this commentary are her own. View


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