Weekly English Article

May 3-7, 2021 [First Week's Articles]

Ms.D 2021. 5. 1. 14:28


1. How you can help save Ralph



How you can help save Ralph - Humane Society International

What happens when an all-star director, puppeteer, cast and crew join forces with a global leader in the animal protection...



2. Prime Minister Narendra Modi could have prevented India's devastating Covid-19 crisis, critics say. He didn't



Modi could have prevented India's devastating Covid-19 crisis, critics say. He didn't

When countries rose in India, the country didn't go into lockdown. Instead, the government allowed mass gatherings at religious festivals and political rallies to go ahead.



3. You're a pain, but let's get married anyway



You're a pain, but let's get married anyway

You're a pain, but let's get married anyway (Agencies) Updated: 2005-03-05 10:21 Singaporean couples may not be happy with their partners but they will still marry them anyway, a global survey on relationships shows. The poll of 716 couples who planned to



4. Getting a Job in the Videogame Industry



How to Break Into the Videogame Industry

Explore working in the videogame industry, and tips and questions to ask yourself as you consider your career.



5. S. Korea begins reviewing 1st blood plasma therapy for COVID-19



S. Korea begins reviewing 1st blood plasma therapy for COVID-19

South Korea's drug safety agency said Friday that it has begun reviewing a plasma therapy treatment against the novel coronavirus by local biotech company GC Pharma for conditional approval. The plasma therapy, dubbed GC5131A, is a type of hyperimmune glob


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