Weekly English Article

May 10-14, 2021 [Second Week's Articles]

Ms.D 2021. 5. 10. 10:28

1. 5 Psychology Studies That Will Make You Feel Good About Humanity



These 5 Psychology Studies Will Give You Faith in Humanity

These psychology studies about empathy, generosity, motivation, and kindness offer a positive outlook on human nature.


2. Cases of ‘worrisome’ COVID-19 variants soar in Ulsan



Cases of ‘worrisome’ COVID-19 variants soar in Ulsan

Korean health authorities said Sunday variants of the virus causing COVID-19 -- namely, the variants first identified in the UK and California -- are behind the recent surge in Ulsan, and now possibly neighboring Busan. The Ministry of Health and Welfare


3. [Trudy Rubin] Lessons from India’s COVID tragedy



[Trudy Rubin] Lessons from India’s COVID tragedy

As America beats back COVID-19 with vaccines, the catastrophe in India reminds us that much of the world’s population has yet to receive a shot. Coping with a virulent second wave of the virus, desperate Indians plead for oxygen tanks for their loved one


4. Virtual reality field trips give students advanced adventure



Virtual-reality field trips give students advanced adventure

It’s a February afternoon in a Brooklyn classroom. Sixteen-year-old Taylor Engler comes face to face with a cow. But it was all in her head. She was transported by a ...


5. What Students Are Saying About Friendship, Stopping Online Abuse and Living to 200



What Students Are Saying About Friendship, Stopping Online Abuse and Living to 200

Teenage comments in response to our recent writing prompts, and an invitation to join the ongoing conversation.










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