Weekly English Article

September 6-10, 2021 [Second Week's Articles]

Ms.D 2021. 9. 8. 07:57

1. 7 Black men were executed for an pain rape in 1951. Now they've been pardoned

https://edition.cnn.com/2021/08/31/us/martinsville-seven-7-young-black-men- pardon/index.html

7 Black men were executed for an pain rape in 1951. Now they've been pardonedA group of young Black men executed after being convicted by all-White juries of painfully raping a White woman have been pardoned in Virginia 70 years after their deaths.www.cnn.com


2. High EQ Is a Superpower: Three Habits Signify You've Got It

https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/peaceful-parenting/202109/high-eq-is-superpower-three-habits-signify- youve-got-it

High EQ Is a Superpower: Three Habits Signify You've Got ItRecognize what emotional intelligence looks like in "real life."www.psychologytoday.com


3. Thai authorities are conducting a manhunt for a police colonel nicknamed 'Jo Ferrari,' who they say was caught on tape torturing a drug dealer to death

https://www.insider.com/thaland-raid-luxury-home-police -colonel-jo-ferrari-30-cars-2021-8

Thai authorities are conducting a manhunt for a police colonel nicknamed 'Jo Ferrari,' who they say was caught on tape torturingColonel Titisan Utthanaphon was filmed demanding $60,000 from the suspect for his release and then ordered other officers to put a plastic bag over the suspect's head and beat him.www.insider.com


4. Bee tongues are getting shorter as temperatures warm


Bee tongues are getting shorter as temperatures warmClimate change is already wreaking havoc on wildlife in a number of ways, from destroying habitats to throwing off circadian schedules. Mutualism - win-win ecological partnerships honed over evolutionary timescales ...www.tweentribune.com


5. The global research community must not abandon Afghanistan









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